SEM Summary

SEM Summary

(SEM)- Search engine marketing is the overall umbrella term for anything that brings visitors to your website or captures their information via a search engine. SEM includes both free (organic) and paid traffic. Organic traffic is generated by improving on your website’s search engine optimization - meaning visitors who are considered ‘organic’ find your website after using a search engine like Google or Bing, to stumble on your site using random search  key words or long-tail/key word phrasing. 

Search engine advertising (SEA or paid traffic) can be used to quickly drive significant volumes of targeted traffic to your website.   

PPC- The most common form of search engine advertising is pay per click (PPC).  The links to the right-hand side of the Google search results page are usually PPC.  There are many forms of search engine advertising that shouldn’t be overlooked.

PPI- Pay Per Impression advertising measures the number of "eyeballs" that can see your ad.  LinkedIn has a similar feature that is more commonly used for brand building campaigns.  The use of PPI advertising in conjunction with smart cookies augments a PPC campaign to be more effective.

PPA- Pay Per Acquisition advertising is another form of paid advertising which requires compensation when you acquire a new customer or sell an item.   PPA is not as common as pay per click due to the high level of risk for the platform owner.  

SEO- Search Engine Optimization has two categories;  on-site and off-site.  On-site SEO (Also called On-Page SEO) involves ensuring that search engines can determine what your site is really about;  what and how to rank it, done correctly, can make your site much easier for search engine spiders to crawl.

Keyword utilization in title tags, headers, and meta descriptions, and more, is a key component of SEM.

Posting blogs with quality, shareable content effects rank in search engines.

Optimizing your website so it loads quickly on all devices and making it easy for readers to share your content on social media channels is paramount.

Off-site SEO (also called off-page SEO), on the other hand, focuses on driving relevant, authoritative links from other sites back to your website can rank you higher in search engines.

Creating a natural backlink profile from quality websites or an inbound link, means a link that is pointing back to your website from another website or social media channel, is also important.  

Gaining attention from influential people in your domain also benefits your SEM initiative.

Which is more necessary for your business - SEO or SEM? Not an option  - you need both.  The internet is where the battle for more customers is being fought.  Arm yourself with the right tools and strategies,  then conquer the world.   

We can help you do that!
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